This dress is a long time coming. The God and I bought this fabric on one of his 2009 visits to the Garden. He liked this fabric a lot. I liked it too, but I was impressed that he liked a fabric. The God is not a frequent fabric store shopper. After he picked out this fabric and I announced that I would make a dress to wear to Show and Prove with it. Yeah right?
I always keep my word. And I did in fact make a dress to wear. But for some damn reason I made it too small. I mean really too small to wear. I have no idea what I was thinking. And I got so busy with other foolishness that I never went back to fix it. Now that spring has sprung, I have decided to get on the good foot and fix this dress.
I found a picture of the Vogue pattern 2902 and thought that would be the perfect inspiration for the remix. I mostly sew by eye. I'm not ashamed of it either. My body has 'interferences' that make me hard to fit. So sewing with patterns won't guarantee that the garment will fit as promised. I have been down that road more times than I care to admit.
So... I separated the bodice from the bottom. I originally made the skirt flared and modestly long (3/4ths). And remember, it was way too tight for me to wear. So I cut about 6 inches off the top of the skirt. Now instead of the skirt dusting the floor, it now hits me mid calf. That's still okay. I like floor dusting skirts but will accept mid calf but no shorter. Now the skirt fits.
I took out all the seems of the bodice until it was in it's original cut pieces. Me and the seem ripper have been handling our business. Although I cannot find my regular seem ripper. That's my justice for ripping seems all over the house. I've had that seem ripper since I got the machine so you know I'm sending out a search party to find it but let me get back to business...
I did use a part of a pattern. I use this pattern for plain bodices and sleeves. I have never made the bottom part. Never even cut it out. It has shown and proven itself to be tried and true. This dress was always planned to be sleeveless. So what I originally had planned for the front of this dress became the back. I pulled a zipper out of a dress that was originally going to Goodwill. It's now on the quilt pile. The zipper went in the back of the remixed dress. I cut the front of the bodice out of a remnant. I really have to learn how to resize patterns to fit my interferences. It is not just a matter of making more room; but making my breasts look like I made the bodice intentionally for them.... which I did. I ended up making 4 freehanded darts (2 side, 2bottom). I have to start considering princess seems. But princess seems scare me.
I actually almost finished it last night, but I didn't sew the bodice and skirt together. That is unlike me. I was maybe 5 minutes from the finish line and I laid the garment down on the bed and decided to watch TV instead. VERY unlike me. But now I understand. As I have been traversing through the internet today, I became inspired to change said dress. Let me explain how...
Even though I have opened up the waist, it will still be difficult for me to put the dress on. I will have to put the dress on over my head and breasts. My breast will get caught in the waist. Having large breasts isn't all it's cracked up to be. I knew it was going to happen but I felt powerless to fix it. It is one of those things you deal with. I'm quite sure people with true handicaps don't complain, they just handle their business. But as I was perusing I noticed that she put in her zippers on the sides of garments. >>Light bulb!<< If I put the zipper on the side it will open up the waist and my boobs won't get caught when I put the dress on! Yea!!!! But I already put the zipper in the back (and it is one of the best zipper jobs I've done in a minute too) But that is alright. I will take that mammerjammer out and put it on my left side.