Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The New House!

Peace Y’all,

There has not been any sewing. But there have been plans to sew! I moved at the beginning of this month. I moved from a 5 bedroom 2.5 bath 3500 sq ft home to a 3 bedroom 3 bath 1500 sq ft home. I took stock of my life… I lived at the other address for 10 years. When I initially moved there I was married, a Christian, 30, planning a large family and had dreams of pursuing a career that I got myself into severe student loan debt to cover. 10 years later, I am 40ish, righteous, childless, widowed, and I realize that the career I prepared for, I no longer want. There was no reason to keep that house. And I’m okay with it. Life does go that way.

My new home is an older home with a lot of older (1940 compared to 1999) touches. I have hard wood floors. I have never lived in a home with hard wood floors that I knew of. My childhood home had really pretty and ornate hardwood floors. But my mother covered it with wall to wall shag carpet. I didn’t know they were underneath until she sold the house and the new owners wanted the floors uncovered and refinished. My currant floors are thirsty looking and I have no idea how to care for them. The internet is suspect in my investigations. One article says do this another says don’t do it. One product get raves in one search the next search slams it. I am at a complete loss. And my mother is no help. She feels I gave up on the other place. Why is this her business? Does she pay any of my bills? Now Cipher! – That’s “No” for the non-righteous….

Another thing about the new house is… It has a ishtload of windows in places you wouldn’t suspect. The sub-basement, the laundry room, a closet, a basement bathroom and a sun room. The rooms with windows like you would the windows open sideways and some don’t open at all and have bars on them! It’s going to be interesting getting to learn this house.

My ‘sweat shop’ will now be shared with the God’s computer workroom. He does computer stuff and carpentry. I have convinced him to leave the carpentry stuff outdoors. I don’t want that dust on my things. He could also use the sub-basement, but it’s scary and smells moldy down there. The Sub basement is big enough for you to stand, is well light, has windows and a concrete floor. But it reminds me of a place where you would keep hostages or cut up bodies in peace. The computer/sewing room is a big space. I was flirting with making it our master bedroom because it has so much space and a bathroom, but it’s cold. I can’t handle that. Even in GA.

I have been getting excited about what I will sew for spring/summer. Very excited but that is another build. What I need to sew right now, is curtains for all these doggone windows. And they need to be pretty curtains. I was thinking…shabby chic. I bought a sheet set at Dollar General that has the look I am going for…. And they were 50% off. Those will go upstairs in the boudoir, closet and bathroom. I will use the drapes from the other house for the living room and combo space. The sun room will be used as a dining room (Do you know how hard it was to find a small house with a dining room? Are dining rooms luxury rooms?) BUT…. The sun room has 3 large windows, a small window and a sliding door. The irony is, for it’s name and location, it gets very little sun! I have 3 tension rods that are less than an inch too short when fully extended (yet they are too long to use anywhere else!). ARGHH!!!!

The living room has 1 large window that has decorative, though useful bars on the inside of the house which prevent me from hanging blinds. But I do walk around half naked and I don’t want the world to see me or the flatscreen. So my 1st sewing project will be to find some opaque fabric and hang them off said bars. I will have to add tabs and Velcro to attach and close the tabs.

The second project will be curtains for the laundry room and downstairs bathroom. Not so much for privacy, but the view really sucks from those windows. It looks into the neighbor’s yard and that is one nasty looking yard! I don’t want to go crazy on fabric (my new utilities are low, but the move itself was expensive) so I will shop what’s already in my stash. While I was packing I found that I infact have a stash that I was unaware of. So they will become curtains for these “off’ rooms. I don’t want to just make panels. I want them to be pretty. But I am having a hard time finding inspiration. Don’t people use curtains anymore?

All right y’all. Wish me luck! I am very excited about this new stage in my life! Watch I’ll end up pregnant and need to move again for the room!



Sheila said...

Congratulations on your new home and looking forward to your home decor projects. I am the owner of a 1927 home and know all about old touches. I hand wax my oak floors using acrylic wax and normally buy a no-brand floor wax. As along as its acrylic it gives my floors the shine they need.

Welcome to my world of shitload of windows 32 for me. The kitchen windows faces the neighbors garage and I like all the sun that filters in and used Adhesive Window Film for the lower panes for privacy and swag valances for the top. The window films is really good and have managed to several windows that I did not want smothered with curtains. The window film can be found at home depot or loews.

I love buying sheets to make window curtains as well as shower curtains.

Bootzey said...

Thank You Sheila!!!! I'm on my way to the Home Depot (We are boycotting Lowes for their treatment of "Muslims in America") right after work as per your advice!


Leigh said...

I didn't realize you'd moved, but then I don't get around the blogosphere much anymore. The house sounds perfect for you, it's always exciting to move! And exciting the make the place your own.