Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No Sewing... Just thoughts


I live in Georgia. I am originally from New Jersey (ie the Promised Land). In Georgia the cold/wintery season is short. Not non existent, but short. It does get cold here in spurts and occasionally snows, but it doesn't last. Folks here always have hope that the weather will “break.” Even though I've lived in GA, at this point half as long as I lived in Jersey, I still take on the NJ perspective. I'm not planning to move back to NJ unless I hit the lottery (and I so would... I don't like it here, but it's cheap and warm) so I need to fill the gaps. And as it stands.. The gaps are transitional clothing.

In NJ, it gets cold in October and doesn't let up until the beginning of June. It's how it is. And you just deal with it. I never needed true transitional wardrobe because you wear the winter clothes until May and pull the summer clothes out of the trunk if they made it in. With such a short summer, you can buy cheap crap and wear it to death until it got cold again. You put your money into warm clothes.

Here in “Hotlanta” the reverse is true. It's pleasant for 9 months and cold for 3. Those 3 cold months are punctuated with unseasonably warm days where my people will grill. Drive through the hood on a warm day in February and you will smell charcoal and meat! You may not see it but you will smell it. So it stands to reason that you would make your summer clothes the keepers and the winter clothes few and far between. I've noticed, over the years, I've stopped with true sweaters. I got rid of all my turtlenecks a few years ago because I didn't like how my boobs look in them and it's too warm to wear them under clothes. I'm hard on shoes, and sandals used to last me 2-3 seasons now last 1. But boots that used to be dogged out by June now can me 3 years. The boots I'm currently wearing are on their 3rd and final year.

I've said this before but it bares repeating... My goal with my personal sewing is to make my wardrobe more “seasonless” by creating garments that aren't specifically for summer. Now every summer I acquire a few white dresses. I have no idea why I love to wear white so much but I do. That's toatally summery. But other than that, the clothes I make need to be able to be worn with tights and boots as well as sandals.

I need dresses, skirts and tops. I believe... because I'm not sure... if I make these garments now they will be transitional enough to work through the summer when I'm working in an industrially cooled hospital. I just have to be mindful of the colors. Not too bright, not too dark.

I needed to get that out on paper.... so to speak.



Faye Lewis said...

Hi Serenity - there is noting like knowing your style and what works best for you in the way of a wardrobe. I think this makes it easier when trying to figure out what to sew. Your post was a good observation of personal style. P.S. If I won the lottery I'd move back to New York.