Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Victoria Dress/McCalls 6277

Peace Y'all,

I hope you don't take my absence in blogging to mean that I am not sewing. I am. A lot. I just don't seem to have the time to sit down and blog it. Y'all know I have my own personal SWAP going on and I am involved with the Over the top sew along. Plus I am in week 11 of P90x and I have the God to care for. Y'all know men are big babies?. So my blogging has fallen off.

Anywho... The only way back to it is to do it so hear goes. Last year I was gifted with some knit fabric from Victoria. It's beautiful. I purchased McCall's 6277. Now I only purchased it because it was on sale for $1 and I was sitting with the book too long. I didn?t obsess like I normally do. I liked and I bought it. To my surprise, it has an fba already built into the pattern! Meaning you can cut a B, C or D. I had no idea how to behave. So I graded Victoria's knit up to a 24-D. I should have cut an 18. Also, I meant to do view B but I ended up with view A. The pattern calls for these big wings that act like sleeves and I didn't have enough material for that.

The dress is big. That's ok, though. I kind of like the fact that it's not supper clingy. I could take it in and maybe I will one day, but right now I like it the way it is. It comes past the knee. So it's still 3/4ths proper.

Project Details:

Pattern: McCalls 6277

Pattern Sizing: 16-22, I cut a 22 (should have cut an 18! Yay and Phooey. I guess P90x is paying off).

Description: Dress.

Did it look like the pattern envelope once you were done sewing it? Yes

Fabric: Jersey

Lining: not yet

Where the instructions easy to follow? I suppose. I really didnt "follow" them. Now when I say I didn't follow the directions, doesn?t mean I didn't read them. I always read directions of a new pattern, but unless there is a problem or something I haven?t done before, then I don't follow the directions when I sew.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I LOVED The D-Cup! Yes the D-cup. Did I mention the D-cup? I didn't like how short it was originally intended to be.

Pattern alterations or design changes you made: I lengthened it by 6". I'm short. Since I had to do that, which means this dress was designed to be a mini dress or possibly a top on a smaller woman.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
Absolutely!!!!! Especially if you have Boobies!


Pardon me on the phone. I am at work. Gotta just find the time to blog.
